I miss Vale. My church, I used to go to, is way different and I don't really get something out of it for myself, which I really need. I am excited to find a new church, once I moved in 2 weeks.
Yesterday I went Ice Skating with Thomas and my brother Tobias and sister Lea. It was fun! But I missed the Hockey! Skating in fun. Hockey is awesome!!! In 2 weeks I will go to the last away game of my future Hockey team to get to know some girls and see on which level they play! I am really excited for this!
When I first started driving I had to get used to the German traffic again. My dad got a new car in the time I was in the USA. I love the new car!! :)
I got to see some friends of mine last week, which was great!
I need to start packing up my room soon, so I got it all together for my move in 2 weeks. But I really don't feel like it. I hate packing... But I am so excited for my new flat with Thomas!
Here are a couple of pictures from yesterday ;)