On Thursday night my boyfriend came to pick me up for his brother-in-law's birthday party. We tried to get into a club with about 15 people, but they didn't let anyone in for about 3 hours. That sucked and the night was pretty lame, plus I got kinda sick, cause it was very cold and we were waiting without coats.
On Black Friday we went to Thomas' sister's house to talk about our summer vacation plans. Daria cooked some lasagna for us - YUMMY :)
Saturday was the soccer game of my favorite team, that I hat tickets for. Schalke vs. Bayern. The other team is the one I like the least. Plus it was the first in the league versus the second, so it was a very exciting game. The atmosphere was awesome! I never went to a soccer game THIS big before. Unfortunately my fav. team didn't pay enough attention in 1 minute of the first period, so they got 2 goals against them. They could score once themselves, but it wasn't enough. They lost :( My mood was bad afterwards, as you can imagine, but it got better, since we had a big BBQ afterwards. I love BBQs. Especially with my family. My brothers girlfriend was there, too. I love getting to know her. They just started dating a while ago...
Yesterday we went to church early. We had brunch together with a bunch of people from church. Later was the Easter Service and coffee at my grandma's house, together with my aunt and uncle. Thomas and I saw "Alice in Wonderland" in 3D later... At the end of the movie Thomas started feeling really sick and it wasn't better today, so we spend our day in bed... I didn't think the movie was that great, anyways... What do you guys think about it?
I really miss you guys, all of you, family, friends, hockey guys, ...
I have one more thing to tell: I may be able to play some hockey Thursday night!! I am sooo excited. It's not set, yet, but it would be awesome!!