Sunday, August 1, 2010


I love my friends. Just wanted to say that :)

So, last week Julia was here for a couple of days and it was really great to hang out after not seeing each other for so long. We had a lot of fun and talking was really good!

Then yesterday Thomas and I went shopping. I got myself two new jeans and Thomas bought some really cool Nike T-Shirts. At night we went to a local disco and had a lot of fun dancing together. There was this thing "Sensation Bunt(colorful)". So everyone was supposed to come in RGB colors and they even had a DJ on the men restrooms. Ha! That was cool! There was more party than on the regular floors :D It was great.

Oh and I almost forgot: Thomas is the sweetest guy on earth ;) We had breakfast in bed on Saturday. I love him!!
We had such a great weekend together. It was like the best weekend since I am back in Germany.